Professional Development
Our consultants offer research-informed professional development activities aimed at strengthening the knowledge-base and skill-level of the practitioner that results in long-term change in the district’s capacity to provide high-quality services to students. In addition to standardized training sessions, we are available to facilitate school-centered activities meant to address specific problems of practice identified by school district leadership.
Trainings offered to date:
Executive Functioning: Models, Myths, and Metaphors
NEPSY II: Advanced Seminar-Interpretation and Report Writing.
California Verbal Learning Test, Children’s Edition (CVLT-C). Test administration and interpretation.
Understanding and Evaluating the Bilingual Child
Equity-Based Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Multiple Disabilities: The Role of the School Psychologist in Differential Diagnosis
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development, Planning, and Facilitation
Advanced Data Analysis: Direct Application to the IEP
Using SRBI as a Framework for Determination of Student Progress and Special Education Eligibility
Intelligent Testing or Testing Intelligence